Download Special Ubuntu Image with working kernel parameters and DTB table
Boot Live image
Boot live image. Follow directions here:
Mask and stop the services:
sudo systemcti disable NetworkManager ModemManager
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager ModemManager
Manually run with debug enabled:
sudo /us/sbin/ModemManager -debug
Open a new terminal, find the modem index and send the AT command:
sudo mmeli-m -command="AT
(mmcli -L to find the index)
IMEI Repair
You can also change the IMEI AT command, for this IMEl must be converted to GSM format.
- As an example, let’s assume we want to set the IMEl to 123456789012347
- To the left of the IMEl add 80A: 80A123456789012347
- Break the numbers into pairs: 80,A1,23,45,67,89,01,23,47
- Reverse the two numbers in each pair: 08,1A,32,54,76,98,10,32,74 Remove the SIM card
- Clear the old IMEl using this AT command: AT^NV=550,0
- Confirm AT-GETIMEl now shows +CME ERROR: memory failure Set the IMEl, inserting the number calculated above: AT^NV=550,9,“08,1A,32,54,76,98,10,32,74”
- Confirm the IMEI was changed: AT GETIMEI should show the new IMEI